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Ann Massey

Certified Consultant


My Story

I've loved Scentsy since I first smelled it back in 2007.  I bought two warmers (the Rooster one still available today) and the Horseshoe one.  My favorit scent was Sunkissed Citris, but now its changed from Simply Rose, Weathered Leather and Rio Beach.  I decided to start selling Scentsy about a month after I signed up to sell Grace Adele.  I've always been a purse "freak".  I say you can never have enough purses.  I had admired the Grace Adele handbags, clutches and picked and re-picked over and over again, while waiting on my retirement money to get here.  I finally made the decision to join the Scentsy Family and invest some of my money and start my OWN business.  I get stopped all the time with people asking "Where did you get that purse?"  The day after I signed up, I sold two purses just like the one I was carrying.  After thinking about it for a while, I decided why not jump into business full force so I decided to take the challenge and sign up to sell Sentsy Fragrance.  I love the products, and use them, they pretty much sell themself.  Scentsy is a great company to work for and they give back, most companies do not do that. I love being my own boss, after my last job i never wanted to work for anyone again.  But all that's changed now.  If your looking for a great company to work for that offers so many incentives then Scentsy is for you.  If you're interested in joining my team please let me know.  You can text me, 713-818-5401, email me;  or visit my web page:    

What's warming in my home